letter varya

letter daniel

letter love you

letter o & o

o e

letter home

Full version with a table of the length of the side stripes for each letter and a pattern of all letters and numbers at the link.

Letter pillow pattern

We will look at how to sew the letter E without a hole — it is very easy to do.
And the letter A with a hole is much more difficult.

In order to sew you will need letter pillow pattern
Open the file with the pattern in Adobe acrobat.
Click on print.
The settings should be the same as in the picture.
Print it out on A4 paper. Сut. Pattern read



we need.
Ready letter pillow size 11,8’’x7,8’’ (30cm x 20 cm)
 Materials cotton 14’’x 25’’ or (35cm x 60cm)
 Cotton side strip length and width for different letters in the table. The length is
given with increase in order to have exactly the right amount of fabric for the
perimeter of the letter. Cut off the excess when you finish up sewing.
 Hollofayber filler (you can take any other soft filler). One letter requires about
0,25 – 0,45 lb or (100-200 grams ) of filler.
 Sewing machine;
 Scissors ;
 Needle-for stitching tissue
 Pins
 Strong threads in the color of the fabric;
 Iron with steaming function.
 A4 Paper
 Pencil




Place the pattern on the fabric. Outline it. Repeat two times

letter pillow e pattern

Cut using a 1/2 »(1cm) allowance.

letetr e



Now you have to cut the side strip out. For this, you take another fabric and
cut a part of 3.2 inches (or 8 cm) wide and 65 inches (or 165 cm) long.
Sew strip exactly one part of the letter. Sew all the way along the pencil
line. The right side of the pillow inside




sew 2


one side letter pillow


two side

Take second part of the pillow and put with the right side inside. Pin.

sew letter pillow



Sew all the way the pillow using a 1/3 »(0,5cm) seam allowance.
Sew along the pencil line. Cut off the excess side strip.

pillow letter diy

Turn out through the hole. Fill the pillow with hollofayber, sintepuh or other
hypoallergenic filler

turning it out


filling in a soft letter

Sew the hole of the pillow with your hands

the letter is almost ready

sew up the hole

Steam our pillow for shaping. Use iron with steam.
Letter pillow E- ready

sewn up


stroking the letter pillow


sewn a pillow letter

Consider sewing the most complex letter A with an inner hole.
Letters without holes are sewn easily.
You can also watch a visual video at this link (without words)
How do I print a pattern?
Open the file with the pattern in Adobe acrobat.
Click on print.
The settings should be the same as in the picture.
Print it out on A4 paper


Letter pillow A pattern

Full version with a table of the length of the side stripes for each letter and a pattern of all letters and numbers at the link.


we need.

Ready letter pillow size  11,8’’x7,8’’ (30cm x 20 cm)

  • Materials cotton two pieces 13,7’’x 10’’(35cm x 25cm)
  • Cotton side strip length and width for different letters in the table. The length is given with increase in order to have exactly the right amount of fabric for the perimeter of the letter. Cut off the excess when you finish up sewing.
  • Hollofayber filler (you can take any other soft filler). One letter requires about 100-200 grams of filler.
  • Sewing machine;
  • Scissors ;
  • Needle-for stitching tissue
  • Pins
  • Strong threads in the color of the fabric;
  • Iron with steaming function.
  • A4 Paper
  • Pencil

Let’s get started.

Place a double folded pattern (right side inward) onto the fabric. Outline it and then cut it out with seam allowance. Usually 0.78 inches (or 2 cm) is quite enough. You should have two parts eventually.

letter pillow a pattern

cut letter pillow a


A pattern

Now you have to cut the side strip out. For this, you take another fabric and cut a part of 3.2 inches (or 8 cm) wide and 67 inches (or 172 cm) long. Place the strip exactly onto one part of the letter. Stitch along the perimeter.

cut side strip


sew pillow a



we sew the side part

Put a strip to the opening and stitch. Then, turn it out through that opening.

insert the strip in the center


we sew on a sewing machine

Now you have to finish stitching the hole with the strip. Join unstitched halves and stitch them up. Cut off the excess fabric.

flashed the center


a cushion diy


cutting off the excess


sew a


cut off the excess with scissors




cushion A diy


put two part

Stitch the second half but leave the opening unstitched.

we sew the letter


the second part is sewn on

Now it’s time for stitching up the openings. Pull the strip out through the first hole and bring it to the second hole through the side. Stitch it up. If you don’t get how to do it, watch the video.


turning out the center


the center


Turn the entire product out through the side unstitched opening

letter A centr


type of letter a


almost done

Then, stuff the product with filling through the side hole

Fill with filler

Stitch the opening by hand using blindstitch and steam the finished product to shape.

we sew up the hole manually




the letter pillow A is ready

Congratulations, you yourself sewed the most complex letter with an inner hole. Simple letters such as M, N, V,C,X,Z,L,K,J,H,G,F,S,I,Y,T,E, W are sewn much easier.


Full version with a table of the length of the side stripes for each letter and a pattern of all letters and numbers at the link.
